Black Box Theatre
Indian Head Center for the Arts
The Indian Head Center for the Arts and its Black Box Theater is situated in a town-owned facility in Indian Head. Presently into its second decade, it was fortunate to have as our original creator and mentor, Spike Parrish. A director and actor himself, he gave selflessly of himself to the arts. He had a dream in the early 90s to build a theater barge that would sail the waters of the Potomac River and Chesapeake Bay. Thus, he created the Chesapeake Bay Floating Theater. Prior to funding, it now needed a temporary home. Graciously, the Town gave a 20 year lease for $1.00 and we were off and running! Sadly it appeared that Spike’s dream of a floating theater was never to be, thus the Black Box Theater emerged in its newly named home. This new endeavor became the center of his focus. Spike was always there for us, spurring us on until his death in 2014. Well into his nineties, he never gave up on his dream of floating down the river on a barge like the renowned James Adams II, Floating Theater of the 1920s. There have been great plays and artistic performances that will continue to grace our small but intimate stage. Spike will surely be watching over us!
In 2017 We introduced a new Children's Theater Initiative with A Ton of Fun Theater and the support of the Charles County Charitable Trust. Together we were and are able to open our doors for camps, classes, movie nights, puppet shows and more.
2018 Was our Best Year Yet! We are proud to introduce the Black Box Players. We are continuing our relationship with the well respected and award winning Port Tobacco Players, and anticipate dynamic performances and superb acting. As we move forward in our newly renovated space, the theater and the performing artists who share our vision will prove that a venue doesn’t have to be grand. It’s good, once in a while, to literally reach out and touch the audiences. IHCA is Looking forward to a variety of edgy plays and small performance opportunities. We are proud of our exceptional presentations by talented artists who have chosen to perform at the Black Box. Look for upcoming events on our Calendar link.
Partnerships in the arts world are imperative for survival. With most funding avenues cut short, school children suffer from lack of programs highlighting the arts; communities suffer from lack of cultural activities; and economic restraints and lack of amenities and recreation may damage the image of a town. In Indian Head, residents can connect year round with planned community activities and events on the Village Green, attend arts performances at the Indian Head Center for the Arts, enjoy biking on the Indian Head Rail Trail and water activities on the Mattawoman Creek – all exceptional amenities and benefits that make this town unique. Visitors enjoy our festivals on the Village Green, biking and hiking on Indian Head Rail Trail, cultural events at the Center for the Arts, and the serene waters of the Mattawoman and Potomac River - ideal for fishing, kayaking and canoeing. Businesses provide products and services to more than 2,000 residents and 3,000 employees at the Naval Support Facility, Indian Head that drive to and from work. They benefit from a skilled workforce and a strategic location – situated only 20 minutes from National Harbor and the Beltway via Route 210. Incentives for businesses and ample storefront office space, plus rental space in the newly renovated second level of the Indian Head Center for the Art, makes Indian Head ideal for start ups or relocation.
Indian Head Center for the Arts, Inc. and the Black Box Theatre embarked on an exciting effort to revitalize and re-envision our current space and offerings. The recent renovations at IHCA, which were made possible in part by grants from the State of Maryland, Charles County Government and the Town of Indian Head, have increased the building’s space by almost 50 percent and have added classrooms, studios and multiple-purpose areas. Our recent renovations include new restrooms, concessions, seating, an outdoor patio space, and more. We recently installed a new state of the art projection screen, so guests and patrons can take advantage of Movie Nights, Power Point Presentations, or add effects to their theatrical performance and events. The Black Box Theatre Welcomes You All.